You can solve problems at your own factory! Encyclopedia of coolant filtration equipment "Kuraroka" " List of coolant filtration equipment manufacturers " Ball Filter Japan

Ball Filter Japan

Can solve grinding process problems
What is a coolant filtration device?

Ball Filter Japan, which is engaged in the integrated manufacturing of filtration equipment in its home base of Germany, introduces its products, case studies, and company characteristics in detail.

What is Ball Filter Japan's coolant filtration system?

Auto strainer/automatic backwash filter Model 6.64

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Autostrainer/Model 6.64, specialized for filtration of oil, lubricating oil, and alkaline cleaning fluids.Unique back-flow cleaning "compressed air backwash method" thoroughly cleans even high-viscosity fluids and maintains normal filtering performance.We are skilled in the ability to do this.

It is also capable of filtering fine contaminants, and there is a small risk of fluid filtration stoppage during cleaning. It is also expected to prevent problems such as low line pressure in the system.

Filtration accuracy 3 to 150 μm
Process flow rate 50L/min (3m3/hour)~
Supported oil types Oil, lubricant, alkaline cleaning solution, etc.
Chip material Stainless steel (316Ti)
Size No information was found on the official website.
Reference: Ball Filter Japan official website (

Auto strainer/Model 6.72

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The small-flow model Autostrainer/Model 6.72 is compact in size compared to Model 6.64.Specialized in filtration of oil, lubricating oil, alkaline cleaning fluids, etc. Equipped with filtration function down to 6μmThe following is a list of the most common types of products that can be used in the market.

The cleaning process employs the "compressed air backwash method" as in Model 6.64. High cleaning effectiveness can be expected even with high-viscosity fluids. It can also be used as a filter for fuel, in which case it can be equipped with a bypass filter with a 3-way cock that can be manually switched.

Filtration accuracy 3 to 20 μm
Process flow rate 15L/min (0.9m3/hour)~
Supported oil types Oil, lubricant, alkaline cleaning solution, etc.
Chip material Stainless steel (316Ti)
Size No information was found on the official website.
Reference: Ball Filter Japan official website (

About Ball Filter Japan's filtration filters

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Ball Filter Japan manufactures duplex filtration filters consisting of two filter cylinders. The filter cylinders can be switched, allowing constant cleaning without stopping the system. By switching to the filter on the standby side, it can also be changed while the system is running.

They have a lineup for a wide range of applications and fluids and seem to have a variety of sizes, so please contact them directly to inquire about compatible oil types, sizes, and whether they have the right duplex filtration filter for your company.

Filtration accuracy 0.1μm-5mm
Size None stated
weight None stated
Supported oil types None stated
Reference source: Ball Filter Japan's official website (Japanese only)

How to remove grinding sludge.
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What is the right product selection that can solve the problem?

Coolant filtration equipment is one word, but there are many different products. You need to select the appropriate one to meet your company's needs and challenges. This website introduces recommended products according to product differences and issues, and we hope it will be helpful.

What is the difference between products?
See how to choose the right coolant filtration system

Ball Filter Japan Case Study

Reduced scratching due to sludge

The company was faced with the problem of scratching on the tooth surface during processing, resulting in a lot of loss and no increase in productivity. After trying various filtration systems without success, the company consulted with Ball Filter Japan and introduced a compressed air backwash type automatic cleaning filter. The result,The tooth surface no longer scratches due to sludge, which had been an issue, and the results are satisfactory.

Reference: Ball Filter Japan official website (

Strainer unclogging is eliminated.

A major paper mill was faced with multiple strainers that clogged every time the turbidity of the mill's intake and water supply increased. Each time they clogged, the line had to be stopped for cleaning, but Ball Filter's Autostrainer was determined to be the answer to this problem.With the introduction of this system, the water intake lines were combined into a single line, allowing for more efficient filtration.

Reference: Ball Filter Japan official website (

Contacting Ball Filter Japan and introduction process

After making an inquiry via e-mail form or phone call, they will propose a site survey. On the day of the on-site survey, a sales engineer familiar with the product will check the operating conditions and collect sludge samples. After that, a free estimate will be provided, and based on the estimate, we will enter the review phase. The decision to introduce the product is made after actual equipment verification and test operation.

If you are interested in OEM equipment or would like to try it out, please contact us for more information.

What kind of company is Ball Filter Japan?

Ball Filter Japan is the Japanese subsidiary of a German company specializing in the development and manufacture of industrial filters. Although the company has offices all over the world,Product research and development is centralized at the headquarters plant in Kerpen, Germany.The features of the system are as follows. Sales engineers are available for consultation, planning, and after-sales service.

Ball Filter Japan Motto

Since its establishment, Ball Filter Japan has been manufacturing filters for ships built all over the world, from cargo ships to passenger ships. They are actively engaged in activities and proposals with the motto of contributing to solving the problems and issues of a wide range of industries by utilizing the technology and experience they have cultivated in the shipbuilding industry.

Based on the idea that "responding quickly and flexibly to all customer needs will lead to the creation of a sustainable society," they respond to any field of industry with a persistent and challenging attitude.

More about Ball Filter Japan

Ball Filter Japan is based in Germany, but they stock all products and parts in Japan for quick servicing in case of any problems.

We provide maintenance services to ensure that our customers can continue to use our products with peace of mind after installation, and our engineers from our service department will visit your office in person for periodic inspections and overhauls.

The warranty period is 12 months from the date of installation and operation of the product. In the unlikely event that the equipment is defective or malfunctions during the warranty period, the company will repair it free of charge. This is a reliable manufacturer that has a system in place to prevent problems and ensure long service life.

Furthermore, to maintain safety and reliability, the company implements quality control in accordance with international standards, and all products are manufactured at the ISO-certified headquarters plant. (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001) The company is also compliant with Japanese pressure vessel standards and is committed to safety-conscious manufacturing.

Reference: Ball Filter Japan "Warranty and Aftercare" (

Ball Filter Japan Company Profile

Head office location Imon Kobe Bldg. 13F, 95 Edomachi, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan
Phone number 078-331-8031
Official HP
For grinding process】 【For grinding process】.
Coolant filtration system
Three recommendations

Coolant filtration equipment is used to filter sludge generated from equipment. There are a variety of products available depending on the intended use, so it is important to determine "whether the coolant filtration equipment is suitable for the purpose" and "whether the equipment is suited to the characteristics of sludge.

Filter filtration system capable of filtering all "fine" sludge of 3μm or less Filter filtration system capable of filtering all "fine" sludge of 3 microns or less
Sun Maintenance Koki
Reference: Sun Maintenance Koki official website (
Main materials that can be filtered
  • Brittle materials such as cemented carbide, ceramics, and castings
For factories like this
  • I want to filter fine sludge less than 3μ.
  • I want to use it as a secondary process
  • To remove sludge that could not be filtered by other equipment
Capable of filtering "large volumes" of up to 200 l/min Centrifuge
Toto Separator Kogyo Co.
Reference: Toto Separator Industry official website (
Main materials that can be filtered
  • Brittle materials such as cemented carbide, ceramics, and castings
For factories like this
  • I want to filter more than 100 L
  • I want to use it as a primary process
  • Want to reduce running costs
High magnetic force filters 5 microns or less High magnetic force enables filtration of 5 microns or less. Magnetic Separator
Sumitomo Heavy Industries Finetech, Ltd.
Reference: Sumitomo Heavy Industries Finetech official website (
Main materials that can be filtered
  • Metal materials such as aluminum, steel, and iron
For factories like this
  • I want to filter metal materials.
  • I want to use it as a primary process
  • I want to remove metal sludge.
By processing method!
Coolant filtration system(at sentence-end, falling tone) indicates a confident conclusion
recommendation3 selections