You can solve problems at your own factory! Encyclopedia of coolant filtration equipment "Kuraroka" " List of coolant filtration equipment manufacturers " proway


Can solve grinding process problems
What is a coolant filtration device?

This section provides a detailed summary of Proway's product features and strengths, as well as actual case studies of actual installations.

What is Proway's coolant filtration system?


Cited from:

Proway's PRO-F Abs is a filtration system that uses an "Absolute Cartridge Filter" made of polypropylene material with no adhesives, additives, or lubricants.It has the ability to remove foreign matter of 1 to 10 μm or less, and is expected to reduce damage to workpieces caused by foreign matter, as well as dirt and stains in the cleaning process.

Filtration accuracy 1 to 10 microns
Process flow rate No information was found on the official website.
Supported oil types Industrial water, water-soluble coolant solution, cleaning solution, polishing solution
Chip material Aluminum, iron, castings, etc.
Size 310 x 300 x 800 mm

Vortex Circular Coolant Tank OCS-075

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OCS-075 vortex circular coolant tank manufactured for sites where grinding machines and water soluble coolant tanks are used for magnetic workpieces.Filterless type equipment with no filter used in any part of the systemThe product is designed to be A two-stage separation device, a cyclone and a magnetic separator, is used to increase the capture rate of sludge.

Filtration accuracy No information was found on the official website.
Process flow rate Separator throughput 60 (L/min), cyclone throughput 45 (L/min)
Supported oil types Dirty liquid containing magnetic fine powder
Chip material Magnetic fine powder
Size Diameter 750 mm, Height (H1) 300 mm, Height (H2) 450 mm, Height (H3) 1,230 mm, Bore 2 inches

Centrifugal solid-liquid separator application equipment VORTEX DYNAMIC FILTER

Cited from:

Centrifugal force is used for filter-less solid-liquid separation.Less worry about filter replacement and industrial waste, and reduced life-cycle costs.You can also choose from three types to meet your needs: stainless steel, plastic resin, and polyvinyl chloride.

Filtration accuracy 3 to 25 microns
Process flow rate Small flow rate (about 30L/min) is possible
Supported oil types No information was found on the official website.
Chip material No information was found on the official website.
Size A 249mm, J 27mm, K 89mm, X R1/2mm, Y R3/4mm, Z R3/8mm

What is the right product selection that can solve the problem?

Coolant filtration systems differ from one company to another in terms of products and features. It is important to select a product that meets your company's challenges in order to achieve the best results from the introduction of the product. This site introduces recommended products by issue.

What is the difference between products?
See how to choose the right coolant filtration system

Proway Case Studies

Significantly reduces losses due to problems

The frequency of coolant replacement in the grinding process was increasing due to deteriorating grinding conditions caused by sludge accumulation and frequent pump problems. After introducing Proway's PRO-F1, the frequency of fluid changes was reduced from once a month to twice a year.Reduction of loss cost from over 500,000 yen per year to about 80,000 yenI was able to do it.

*Reference: PROWAY's official website (

Example: Reduction of re-deposition on parts to be cleaned.

Floating oil and contamination occurred during hot water cleaning of aluminum parts, floating in the cleaning solution tank and contaminating the cleaning water.

Therefore, we introduced PRO-F1, a cartridge filter filtration system from Proway. By collecting and filtering suspended solids,Maintains cleanliness of wash waterThe new system is now being used for the first time in the world. Due to this,This has also led to a reduction in wastewater volume.

*Reference: PROWAY's official website (

Process of contacting and introducing Proway

Regarding product orders and inquiries, PROWAY accepts them via an inquiry form. After the inquiry, a representative will contact you to discuss on-site problems and issues. Hearing about required functions and specifications, availability of options, installation location, number of units, etc., a product proposal will be made after an on-site inspection if necessary.

The appropriate product for the site and a quote for installation will then be presented to you for review and once you are satisfied, the contracting phase will begin. Once a purchase order is issued to the distributor, the products are arranged and delivered on time. After delivery, the product will be commissioned by a service representative. If you have also ordered installation work, the person in charge will handle the entire installation process.

What kind of company is Proway?

Proway, headquartered in Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture, is a community-based fluid consultant company. The company's strength lies in its light footwork and meticulous attention to detail, including on-site surveys and meetings.Flexible response to diverse on-site issues with extensive experience in areas such as coolant life extension and sludge recovery in parts machining and polishing processes.We are committed to

About Proway's Other Services

As part of the "Demo Unit Trial Campaign Campaign," Proway is offering the loan of a demo unit for a versatile filtration system. The series can be used without the need for power supply installation, and can be rented for 5 days.

There is a rental fee of 11,000 yen for a demo unit, but this is recommended for those who would like to try it out on site first before installing it. You can also call a Proway distributor to apply, or fill out and submit a special campaign form to inquire about details.

*Reference: PROWAY's official website (

Proway Company Profile

Head office location 128-1 Noguchi-cho, Naka-ku, Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture
Phone number No information was found on the official website.
Official HP
For grinding process】 【For grinding process】.
Coolant filtration system
Three recommendations

Coolant filtration equipment is used to filter sludge generated from equipment. There are a variety of products available depending on the intended use, so it is important to determine "whether the coolant filtration equipment is suitable for the purpose" and "whether the equipment is suited to the characteristics of sludge.

Filter filtration system capable of filtering all "fine" sludge of 3μm or less Filter filtration system capable of filtering all "fine" sludge of 3 microns or less
Sun Maintenance Koki
Reference: Sun Maintenance Koki official website (
Main materials that can be filtered
  • Brittle materials such as cemented carbide, ceramics, and castings
For factories like this
  • I want to filter fine sludge less than 3μ.
  • I want to use it as a secondary process
  • To remove sludge that could not be filtered by other equipment
Capable of filtering "large volumes" of up to 200 l/min Centrifuge
Toto Separator Kogyo Co.
Reference: Toto Separator Industry official website (
Main materials that can be filtered
  • Brittle materials such as cemented carbide, ceramics, and castings
For factories like this
  • I want to filter more than 100 L
  • I want to use it as a primary process
  • Want to reduce running costs
High magnetic force filters 5 microns or less High magnetic force enables filtration of 5 microns or less. Magnetic Separator
Sumitomo Heavy Industries Finetech, Ltd.
Reference: Sumitomo Heavy Industries Finetech official website (
Main materials that can be filtered
  • Metal materials such as aluminum, steel, and iron
For factories like this
  • I want to filter metal materials.
  • I want to use it as a primary process
  • I want to remove metal sludge.
By processing method!
Coolant filtration system(at sentence-end, falling tone) indicates a confident conclusion
recommendation3 selections