Grinding sludge is fine chips generated by machine tools during the grinding process. Since sludge is constantly generated while the machine is running, if it is not collected promptly, it will increase rapidly in the coolant solution. Here we summarize the negative effects that grinding sludge can cause and how to remove it.
When sludge gets mixed in with the coolant fluid, it can shave cutting and grinding tools during machining, shortening their service life. In addition, if sludge clogs the filtration filter, the amount of coolant fluid decreases, and the original cooling and lubrication effects go down.Increased load on the tool and increased susceptibility to wear lead to shorter tool life.
When sludge covers the surface of the coolant tank, the supply of oxygen to the coolant fluid stops. When this happens, microorganisms and anaerobic bacteria in the fluid multiply and the coolant fluid decomposes.Bad odors may be generated, leading to deterioration of the work environment.
As sludge increases in the coolant fluid, the filter becomes clogged and filtration performance declines.Coolant that cannot be filtered out may build up in the tank, causing the machine to stop automatically.If you continue to use it as it is, coolant fluid may overflow from the tank.
If sludge or other foreign matter is mixed in the coolant fluid, it may deteriorate the machined surface or cause scratch marks.Especially in grinding, sludge and abrasive grains often cause scratches.Therefore, removal of foreign matter is important to prevent quality loss.
If sludge from the grinding process is mixed in the coolant solution, it may adhere to the workpiece in another process and directly scratch it.Even if the workpiece is made of rust-resistant materials such as aluminum or stainless steel, if the sludge in the liquid is made of iron, it may become rusty due to adhesion.
Sludge buildup in the coolant tank must be removed by periodic cleaning. The more grinding sludge there is, the more often it must be cleaned, increasing the labor and burden on employees. Also,The need to stop machines during cleaning also leads to productivity loss on the part of the company.
To reduce problems and losses caused by grinding sludge, regular maintenance is important, but another option is to install a coolant filtration system. Coolant filtration equipment can efficiently collect and remove sludge generated daily, and is expected to keep coolant fluid clean.
Coolant filtration equipment is used to filter sludge generated from equipment. There are a variety of products available depending on the intended use, so it is important to determine "whether the coolant filtration equipment is suitable for the purpose" and "whether the equipment is suited to the characteristics of sludge.